BA (Hons) Hospitality Management (Top Up)

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BA (Hons) Hospitality Management (Top Up)

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    BA (HONS) Hospitality Management (Top Up ).

    Course Type : Undergraduate
    Career Path : Hospitality
    Course Category : BA

    Course Overview :

    The BA (Hons) Hospitality Management (top up) degree seeks to encourage more self-managed learning through enhanced research and management techniques and links may be made to the students’ work experience through this. 

    The BA (Hons) Hospitality Management (top up) has a wide career spectrum in travel and hotel industries, event management, the food and beverage industry, entertainment industry and many more.

    This course is particularly aimed at students who already have a broad business-related HND, foundation degree or equivalent and wish to improve previous experience and skills, as well as develop critical, analytical, creative and reflective approaches to business.  

    Graduates on this programme may apply for exemptions from relevant professional examinations from the Chartered Institute of Marketing, the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Students on this programme may become student members of the Institute of Management as well.

    Entry Requirements :

    The course has been designed for students who meet both of the requirements (A and B) below:

    A) Applicants require a minimum of an HND / FdA or equivalent qualification in a relevant subject (with some merit achieved)

    B) Students whose medium of study at HND/FdA or equivalent qualification is not English are required to produce evidence of English language proficiency at IELTS: 6.0 or equivalents with a minimum of 5 in each component. 

    Please Note that all recruitment are subject to academic interview  

    Course Duration : 1 year.
    Online : No
    Campus Based : Yes
    Location : London
    Intake : October, February

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