International Master European Studies

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International Master European Studies

  • Inhalt International Master European Studies:

    is a postgraduate intensive course on European institutions, policies and funding with specific modules on funding programmes in details, drafting of proposals, EU project management.

    This intensive Master is organized in a 3-month schedule, enabling students to gain specific competences and skills in a short period of time. The Master teaching methodology is a practice-oriented approach, which aims at transferring knowledge through a learning-by-doing process. In addition, students will have the chance to participate in meetings with experts of the many jobs and institutions operating in Brussels, and to visit the European institutions. About 30 students from different countries and diverse educational backgrounds have the opportunity to attend the Master for every edition; therefore, all classes are held in English and it is a multi-cultural learning experience that will also enrich the personal abilities to work in a European context.

    There is no age limit; however 80% of our students are normally aged between 25 and 35. Also, there is no limit as for the background of the students, however most of the students hold a background in European-related subjects and are recently graduates or young professionals. The aim of the selection procedure is to arrange a group where different age, nationality, and career can increase both the personal and the professional skills of the participants.

    The 26th edition of the Master will take place in Brussels from 18th September till 14th December 2017. The deadline for applications is on July 18, 2017.

    It is an intensive, full-time, 3-month (400 hours) Master, carefully designed to speed up the process of positioning or re-positioning into the job-market.

    In addition, the Master is held in Brussels and it foresees meetings with experts already working in the "Brussels arena". Therefore, right after the Master, students usually carry on a traineeship or find a job (also according to their previous experiences) and we do organise a Job-Link Module, to support students in their job search.

    Only in the Capital of Europe one can really breathe the EU atmosphere and be able to seize every single opportunity in the field of European affairs! Being this Master Brussels-based, students will be able to start building their own European network of contacts.


    Only 30 candidates will be admitted to the Master. An Admission Committee from the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of European Studies of the University of Louvain will evaluate applications.

    Assessment criteria:

    •    motivation (33%);
    •    university degree (16%);
    •    degree mark (10%);
    •    working experience (8%);
    •    internships (8%);
    •    post-graduate courses (7%);
    •    fluency in English (8%);
    •    other languages (6%);
    •    Erasmus and other international experiences (4%).

    Candidates who score at least 75% will be directly admitted and notified by email within 15 days (from the reception of application).

    Fees and scholarships

    The overall tuition fee for attending the Master amounts to 5500 € (for the whole 3-month period).

    Scholarships of a value of 2000 € can be awarded to students by the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce. Each scholarship will be granted basing on the evaluation of the student’s application (according to the assessment criteria) and on the applicant’s income. To apply for a scholarship, applicants should attach to the official application form the scholarship application form; the scholarship application shall be submitted together with the whole application to the Master Programme.

    The scholarship is intended as a diminution of the tuition fees and not as a direct cash transfer. Therefore, the student who will be awarded the scholarship will pay reduced tuition fees of 3500 €.

    The internship is not compulsory but during and after the course, the European Desk of the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce proposes various traineeship and job opportunities in Brussels. The trainee and the host organisation are supported in the redaction of the traineeship agreement.

    The IMES takes place in Brussels.
    People from different countries can apply.
    Policy Advisor and Project Consultant

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