M.S. Cybersecurity

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M.S. Cybersecurity

  • Inhalt M.S. Cybersecurity.

    Course Type
    : Postgraduate.

    Career Path: IT.

    Course Category: MS.


    The MS in cybersecurity prepares individuals for demanding positions in public and private sectors overseeing, operating, or protecting critical computer systems, information, networks, infrastructures and communications networks.

    Students will be well-versed to apply their knowledge and critical thinking related to domestic and international legal systems, private and public policies, and ethics, as they apply cybersecurity to information protection, terrorism, fraud, theft, intelligence/counterintelligence, digital forensics, pre-emptive and strategic force operation application situations.

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Graduates will be capable of explaining important principles, and theories used throughout the field of cybersecurity.
    • Graduates will be capable of applying knowledge in the field of cybersecurity to analyze real world problems.
    • Graduates will be capable of effectively integrating knowledge in the field of cybersecurity to propose solutions to real world problems.
    Course Requirements:

    • Signed Application Form 
    • Proof of English Proficiency: – TOEFL: PBT 550 | iBT 80 – IELTS: 6.5 – Pearson: 53 
    • Undergraduate Transcripts 
    • Essay: 300-500 word essay on a topic of your choice OR Curriculum Vitae (CV) 
    • One Letter of Recommendation 
    • Copy of Passport ID Page 
    • Official University/College Transcripts (for Transfer Students) 
    • Some programs have additional entry requirements. Please contact your advisor for more information. 
    Course Duration: 18 months - 2 years (39 Credit Hours)

    Online: No

    Campus Based: Yes
    The Webster University Charge:
    With its home campus in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Webster University comprises an action-oriented global network of faculty, staff, students and alumni who forge powerful bonds with each other and with their communities around the globe. Founded in 1915, Webster is a private non-profit university with more than 17,000 students studying at campus locations in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa and in a robust learning environment online. The university is committed to ensuring high-quality learning experiences that transform students for global citizenship and individual excellence.

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