Master in Automotive Interior Design

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Master in Automotive Interior Design

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    Master in Automotive Interior Design.

    Edition: 1st

    Language: English

    Schedule: From Monday to Friday, from 6.30 p.m. to 10.40 p.m.

    Credits: 60*


    The Master in Automotive Interior Design analyses how cars are going to adapt to the new mobility scenario and addresses design to improve user experience (UX Design) when interacting with the interior space. 

    The programme responds to a growing demand in the automotive sector for designers with a specific knowledge of interiors. It therefore trains professionals who can provide innovative solutions for the morphology of interior spaces and user experiences in terms of connectivity, sustainability, new materials and personalisation.


    – To redefine the morphology of a vehicle’s interior space, conditioned by new technologies such as artificial intelligence or the Internet of Things (IoT) and their relation to the connected car.

    – To design solutions that facilitate user-vehicle interaction to combine digital, physical and services through user experience (UX Design) as a differentiating factor in the transport design of the future.

    – To conduct research and innovate through materials (smart, interactive surfaces and structures) by applying the criteria of sustainability, ergonomics and safety. 

    – To apply colour, trim and lighting knowledge in the interior space to create atmospheres adapted to brands and users in order to define unique personalised spaces.

    – To reinforce the specific tools of transport design: 3D modelling, analogue and digital sketching.

    – To learn about the manufacturing systems of various elements of a vehicle’s interior.

    – To integrate social, technical and sustainable variables into the work methodology of students in order to develop solutions through systemic design.


    The main challenge of the course is to convey its contents and welcome the collaboration of various companies, institutions and professionals from different sectors linked to future mobility. Completing the subjects includes crosscutting seminars and workshops that are held with guest specialists in order to develop different topics of interest in a practical manner, thereby consolidating the knowledge obtained in the theoretical and practical subjects. The Master includes the collaboration of a teaching team comprising leading professionals specialising in each of the areas of study.

    The working method is necessarily active and applicable to professional reality, and also includes the freedom of ideas, experimentation and hypotheses generated by the students. 

    An essential part of the learning process comprises observation, analysis and experimentation, which is why both the theoretical classes and projects are supported by outings and visits. These provide students with the opportunity to learn about the automotive and mobility world in Barcelona as guided by professionals.

    Student Profile.

    – Graduates in disciplines related to design, preferably transport design, interior design, industrial design, architecture or engineering, who want to acquire the necessary tools to tackle an interior design project in the automotive sector in an effective manner. 

    – Professionals from the automotive sector.

    Specific requirements:

    – An advanced knowledge of 3D modelling is essential.

    – Advanced level of sketching.

    – All students have to present a CV and portfolio with their own projects in both academic and professional fields.

    Levelling courses must be taken if required.

    Job Opportunities.

    The Master course prepares students to hold a position in companies linked to the automotive sector, with the ability to join various departments: modelling, colour and trim, interiors, components and UX.

    IED teaching methods require that all the schools:

    • forge strong bonds with the local production and operation systems in their regions;
    • interface with their benchmark sectors;
    • evolve depending on the growth standards of their underlying markets and professional situations.

    For these reasons, rather than just keeping in step with their times, the IED training courses are often thriving trend anticipators. IED represents a conceptual innovation hub. A number of professionals from a variety of backgrounds come together to provide the input for a cross-fertilisation between areas and disciplines. The outcome is excellence. Evidence of this value is found in IED’s essential role in such leading events as Milan Salone del Mobile and Milan Fashion Week.

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