Master in Renewable Energy and the Energy Market (Madrid)

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Master in Renewable Energy and the Energy Market (Madrid)

  • Inhalt The teaching staff is made up of a team of specialist professionals who share a common denominator: a passion for teaching and management development. But above all, we believe that much of their value is that they work in this sector, managing renewable energy or energy projects that are the basis of what they will communicate to you in the classroom. You'll learn from experience.

    The teachers of this programme work at
    • CIEMAT Biomass Department
    • Red Eléctrica de España - REE
    • Asociación Empresarial Eólica (Wind Energy Association)
    • BOSCH
    • EDP Renovavèis
    • IDAE
    • EUITI (Polytechnic University of Madrid)

    Schedule: Oct 2012 to Jul 2013
    Place: Madrid
    Price: €14,070
    Dedication: Full Time
    Length: 700 hours (70 credits)

    Academic workload + Project (700 hours)

    Economic environment
    Throughout this course, participants will address the ideas, procedures and basic tools for analysing the economic environment. In this regard, macroeconomic concepts are explored along with the global economic environment, financial and external markets and economic policies. You'll acquire basic essential knowledge about business and the environment.

    What is business strategy and what impact does it have on your daily life? You'll analyse the industry and generic internal circumstances of companies that compete in it. You'll diagnose the specific business situation, possible ways to compete and be able to determine the objectives to specify how they are going to be achieved.

    This course enables you to understand and deepen the concepts, procedures and basic tools of financially managing a company. This addresses accounting in decision making, economic and financial analysis, financial calculations and analysis of investment.

    You'll find out the basics of marketing, covering its different areas of activity from a holistic perspective. To this end, concepts such as market, product, pricing, sales activities, market communication and planning will be analysed, enabling you to become aware of this important business function.

    Introduction to sustainability
    No company director in the 21st century can lack a global vision about the social, environmental and economic challenges facing modern society. Long-term sustainable business management is not only key to business survival but fundamental for the future of the planet and its resources.

    We prepare you to develop a management mindset that is familiar with business innovation and sustainability as key elements of business competitiveness. This is one of EOI's clear commitments as a School: all managers and leaders of tomorrow need a solid base in innovation methodologies and concepts to help introduce innovative practices in any process.

    In addition to leading and managing a company, a manager must foster a climate to develop entrepreneurial spirit. This module explains how to produce the process of creating ideas, analyse, execute and implement them through projects that create value for organisations and society. It gives students the technical knowledge and basic management skills required for entrepreneurs in the process of creating their business plan. It also enables students to develop a Business Plan, with all its complexity.

    Management skills
    This module is geared towards the participant's personal development, working the skills needed to meet management challenges in a practical way by exercising it individually to control situations. We work on interpersonal skills relating to communication, time management, effective presentations, negotiating and leadership as well as motivating teams.

    Project management
    Project management is an activity that allows resources to be managed more efficiently, a good cost control and meeting project deadlines. You'll learn the different aspects and techniques related to project planning, design, management and control, understanding and analysing the various life stages of a project and its related activities and tasks. This education applies to all projects regardless of their nature and complexity.

    Core subjects (470 hours)

    Energy context and regulatory framework

    You'll gain an overview of the energy sector, its legal regulatory environment and renewable energy's integration in it, exploring legislation that promotes the technological and commercial growth of such technologies and analysing the main challenges for its development. Related with legal issues, it also describes the major economic, financial and environmental components of renewable energy projects.

    You'll find out in detail the policies and European and Spanish plans on promoting this growing sector, as well as international markets open to Spanish industry.

    This block provides thorough industry knowledge allowing you to successfully address studying technologies being developed in the following areas.

    Energy Efficiency
    You'll gain knowledge about the general objectives of the energy saving and efficiency policy, measures designed to achieve these objectives, administrative, economic and technical barriers that hinder them and the instruments and budget allocated for the above purposes. This module is structured by sector, divided into blocks which fundamentally correspond to the large energy-consuming sectors (industry, transport and construction sector) and a specific block dedicated to cogeneration.

    Biomass energy and biofuels

    The various resources included under the term biomass and energy recovery systems, both thermal and electrical, are identified, exploring collection and treatment systems, conversion processes, the technologies available and the advantages and disadvantages of using biomass, as well as applicable legislation with respect to this source of energy.

    Different types of biofuels are analysed, along with the process of obtaining both biodiesel and bioethanol and their applications in transportation, as well as second generation biofuels and their future possibilities.

    Obstacles to developing the biofuel industry in Spain are posed and the economic and environmental implications are assessed.

    Wind Energy

    Based on the evaluation of resources, the technical, legislative, economic and environmental impacts of wind projects are studied, instructing the participant to plan, carry out the feasibility study, design and manage these facilities.

    The components, characteristics and performance of a wind turbine is discussed from its fundamentals and grid-connected as well as autonomous systems are addressed, along with their different applications.

    You'll find out the situation and possibilities of this type of energy in Spain and the rest of the European Community as well as other international growth opportunities that are planned for the near future.

    Small-scale hydro energy

    Small-scale hydro technology is examined in depth from its fundamentals, the hydrological study, design and calculation systems and automation systems, to the phase of operating and maintaining a power station.

    Participants will learn the concept as well as about different types of hydropower stations, in addition to the procedure, steps and approvals required to undertake an investment in a small-scale hydropower station.

    It will also raise the environmental impacts of such facilities.

    Solar photovoltaic energy

    The fundamental concepts on solar radiation and directly converting it into electricity are covered and the various components of a photovoltaic solar facility are introduced (cells, modules and panels) and their industrial production, providing participants with the necessary tools for sizing both autonomous as well as grid-connected photovoltaic systems or concentration photovoltaic systems.

    Experiences are studied in applying the latest technologies available on the market such as building integrated photovoltaics, solar farms or rural electrification programmes.

    With all the issues discussed, participants will be able to assess the technical and economic feasibility of any photovoltaic project and take advantage of the business opportunities that exist in this sector.

    Solar thermal power

    Based on the fundamental knowledge of solar radiation described above, thermal energy conversion and its commercial possibilities are addressed.

    The components and operation of facilities are described in detail, preparing the participants to design and calculate any thermal power plant in its various applications. To do so, both domestic applications (hot water, heating or cooling) as well as industrial (agricultural dryers, fish farms, etc.) are studied.

    The possibilities for the sector in Spain arising from implementing the Technical Building Code are analysed.

    Solar thermoelectric power

    The use of solar energy is approached through concentration systems enabling high temperatures to produce electricity, analysing the various systems in depth (parabolic dishes, central tower power plants and parabolic cylinder collectors), their components and applications.

    Participants are instructed on how to design facilities and they are given a current commercial and technology outlook on thermal technology, as well as its future prospects and growth potential in coming years.

    Other renewable technologies: geothermal, tidal, etc.
    In addition to consolidated renewable technologies, this subject in the programme will include innovative technologies that are in the phase before their commercial release, as is the case of wave and geothermal energy. Both the resources and the potential of each technology are addressed, analysing the current situation worldwide and in Spain. The various existing technologies are especially explored.

    Funding and managing renewable energy projects
    Participants will receive knowledge and skills that will enable them to know how to manage a Renewable Energy facility project, as well as assess the technical and economic feasibility of new business projects in the field of Renewable Energy. The administrative processing of permits and licenses for constructing and commissioning these projects is addressed and the various means of funding are analysed.

    Hydrogen as an alternative energy source

    During the course, hydrogen production technologies to be used as a clean fuel are described in depth and the reasons for developing and incorporating new concepts for moving towards a hydrogen-based economy will be analysed and discussed.

    Fuel cell technology will be analysed in detail as well as the international situation and the potential market options going through residential and transportation applications.

    International Development of Renewable Energy
    After the development of renewable energy facilities that has taken place mainly in Europe, the use of renewable energies is generalised worldwide. This involves opportunities appearing on the international market. It is essential that the Spanish industries that are already present in the most promising markets take advantage of these opportunities. Experience in developing projects in other regions is a source of knowledge for medium-term opportunities.

    Electives (30 hours)

    Free-choice subjects

    So you can enrich your training, taking into account your interests or your future career path, you must select from a range of proposed subjects. Each optional module/subject is taught with a minimum of 8 accepted and enrolled students.

    Some of the topics selected by participants in previous years are listed below:

        * Conventional energy sources
        * Geographic Information Systems
        * Professional Report Writing

    Project (100 hours) End of master degree project

    During the last months of the academic year, you will carry out a technical end of master degree project where you must apply the knowledge acquired. The project is carried out under the guidance of a tutor who is an expert in the subject matter. Advocating the project before a panel of judges is a prerequisite for obtaining a master's degree. Sometimes the project is led by partner companies and institutions outside of EOI that suggest ideas, topics and proposals to be studied and analysed by participants.
    The Master in Renewable Energy and the Energy Market begins in October and ends in July

    It is equivalent to 70 credits spread over

        * 60 credits relating to the academic load (study and work)
        * 10 credits for the project

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