The Master's Degree in Latin American Studies was created in 1999, being one of the oldest programs in this area in the country. Because it is linked to a school of Political Science and International Relations, the main goal of the program is to provide students with the knowledge and ability manage the growth of Political Science and International Relations, which allows them to analyze the process that goes on inside Latin American states, and at the same time, it permits them to understand the past procedures of the region, it's relationship with structure, the actors, the dynamics and the international systems' process.
Since the recognition of Latin American Studies are distinguished by their interdisciplinary approach to regional problems., the Master's Degree also offers students a flexible curriculum with the possibility to choose four equivalent areas of training like in: rural development, international relations, history, and literature. The assignments of the equivalent areas are offered by the Master's Degree in Rural Development, International Relations, History, and Literature from the University of Javeriana.
Granted Degree: Master's Degree in Latin American Studies
La Maestría apoya al Grupo de Relaciones Internacionales América Latina e Integración (GRIALI) con 13 años de trayectoria y escalafonado en A por Colciencias. Sus líneas de investigación son:
El Estado nación y las nuevas arquitecturas de la gobernanza global.
Fortalecimiento de la Democracia en América Latina.
Integración regional y subregional y movilidad socioespacial en el sistema internacional.
Problemática de fronteras en la región andina.
Salud Internacional en América Latina.
Conclusive Basic Faculty
Martha Lucía Márquez. MA. Estudios Políticos. MA. PUJ Desarrollo económico en América Latina Universidad Internacional de Andalucía.
Consuelo Ahumada Beltrán. Ph.D. Ciencia política Universidad de Nueva York.
Armando Blanco. Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales. Colegio de México.
Aída Quiñones. MA. Estudios Políticos PUJ.
Martha Ardila. Ph.D. Ciencia Política. UNAM.
Complementary Core Faculty
Rural Development
Flor Edilma Osorio. Doctorada en Estudios sobre América Latina. Université Toulouse.
Juan Guillermo Ferro. Doctor en Estudios Latinoamericanos. UNAM.
Olga Lucía Castillo. Doctora en Desarrollo Económico. Universidad de Cardiff.
Pierre Raymond. Doctor en Sociología. Escuela Práctica de Altos Estudios Paris.
Diana Lucía Maya Vélez. MA. en Desarrollo Rural PUJ.
María Adelaida Fara. Ph.D. Development Studies University of East Anglia.
Abel Lopéz. Master of Arts. SUNY Stony Brook.
Rigoberto Rueda Santos. MA. en Historia UPTC.
Paula Ronderos. MA. en Historia PUJ.
César Torres del Río. Doctor en Historia Universidad de Brasilia.
Alvaro Oviedo. Doctor en Historia Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar.
Aristides Ramos. MA. en Historia Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Graciela Maglia Vercesi. Ph.D. en Literatura Universidad Paris IV Sorbona.
Cristo Rafael Figueroa. Ph.D. en Literatura PUJ.
Constanza Morales. Ph.D. en Literatutra Comparada.
Erna Von del Walde. Ph.D. in Romance Languajes and Literatures. University of Frankfurt.
Rosario Casas. Filósofia y Literata.
Paula Andrea Marín. Magister en Litaratura Hispanoamericana. Instituto Caro y Cuervo.
Benjamín Herrera Cháves. MA en Análisis de Problemas Políticos, Económicos e Internacionales. Universidad Externado de Colombia.
Carolina Albornoz. MA. Estudios Latinoamericanos PUJ.
Eduardo Velosa - MA. en Relaciones Internacionales. Griffith University.
Juan Carlos Eastman. MA. en Historia.
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
The Faculty of Political Science and International Relations at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana was created in 1994, although several of its graduate programs date back to the 70s.
Currently the Faculty offers an undergraduate program leading to the degree of political scientist focusing on one of the following areas: participation, governance and international relations.
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