PhD in the Fundamentals of Law, Economic Law and Business Law
TitelPhD in the Fundamentals of Law, Economic Law and Business Law
InhaltCourse Description
Number of places: 20
Length of course: Class hours are reduced to a minimum to encourage self-directed learning. The doctoral thesis should be completed within an average of three years.
Start date: January 2009.
Language: Spanish
Degree: Doctorate in Law conferred by Ramon Llull, Deusto and Pontificia Comillas universities. Participant's profile: Highly skilled legal professionals and junior professionals, with an outstanding academic background.
Campus: ESADE Barcelona - Pedralbes
Admissions process: The admissions process for the 2008-2009 academic year begins in June 2008 and lasts until mid-December 2008. The admissions process for the 2009-2010 academic year begins in June 2009 and lasts until mid-December 2010.
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