Spezialkurse: Musikunterricht

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Spezialkurse: Musikunterricht

  • Inhalt Spezialkurse: Musikunterricht.

    In Kooperation mit einer renommierten Musikschule in Heidelberg bietet F+U Musikunterricht für folgende Instrumente:

    Streichinstrumente: Violine, Bratsche (Viola), Cello, Kontrabass
    Zupfinstrumente: Klassische Gitarre, Flamencogitarre, E-Gitarre, E-Bass
    Blasinstrumente: Blockflöte, Querflöte, Klarinette, Saxophon.
    Tasteninstrumente: Klavier, Keyboard

    Außerdem bieten wir klassischen Gesangsunterricht an.
    Der Unterricht wird von studierten und erfahrenen Musikern erteilt.

    Der Unterricht kann, je nach Absprache mit der Lehrkraft, auch zweimal wöchentlich erteilt werden; die Gebühr erhöht sich dementsprechend.

    Zum freien Üben steht ein schuleigenes Klavier bereit, welches montags bis freitags: 15 Uhr bis 20 Uhr und samstags: 10 Uhr bis 16 Uhr genutzt werden kann (ohne Klavierlehrer).

    Provisional Admission, Organized Sports activities, internships, music lessons.

    Provisional admission
    We offer university application support to learners who have booked a course at our school and require provisional admission for their visa application. We check the application documents for the learner, and assist with the preparation of up to four university applications, correction of the letter of
    motivation/CV and communication with the universities. The processing time at the universities can take up to eight weeks and should be taken into account in the application process.
    Admission requirement: Proof of the higher education admission qualification in the learner’s home country.
    Á la Carte Courses (sport, music and more)
    Parallel to our intensive courses, we organise various special courses in cooperation with local associations, operators and music schools.

    Selection: Football, handball, table tennis, tennis, basketball, field hockey, ice hockey, rugby and other sports, music lessons, floristry.
    Please note that the practice sessions are invoiced separately. The fee is dependent on the number of hours booked and, moreover, on the type of activity. For sports lessons, it is often the case that only a small fee is payable to the sports club.

    Practice hours at school’s own piano: 45 minutes; Mon-Fri: 15:00-20:00; Sat + Sun: 10:00-17:00.

    Language Course with Internship

    Applications for the internship should be received at least four weeks before the preferred starting date. The short internships are usually offered within an F+U school.

    Requirements: An intensive course of at least two weeks and intermediate language skills (B1; for short internships at F+U: A1). Applicants from third countries must apply for a Working Holiday visa (only available to candidates from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and the USA: J1 visa).

    “Erasmus +"
    • Language course, accommodation, company internship plus monthly grant
    • Every year the Academy of Languages organises internships and language courses within the framework of the EU 'Erasmus +' programme. The programme is offered in Heidelberg and in other European countries.
    Language Lessons and Cultural Training
    This programme is designed for students who wish to take an active role in our cultural programme, alongside their German course. We strongly recommend participation in the programmes offered by our Japan Centre or China centre.
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