BA (Hons) Fashion Design

Unverbindlich in kontakt treten LCCA - London College of Contemporary Arts


Informationen über BA (Hons) Fashion Design - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - London - England

  • Inhalt
    BA (Hons) Fashion Design.


    With the London College of Contemporary Arts (LCCA), you will learn everything you need to know about building a successful career as a fashion designer and you’ll gain the required skills you need in order to succeed in fashion – whether you want to work for a high-end label or go freelance.

    Students can explore and develop their own identity as fashion designers and practitioners, able to position themselves within a global industry. 

    The students will also be encouraged to be experimental and innovative in their approach to design whilst developing an understanding of commerciality and target markets. In their final year, students will be challenged to produce solutions (final collections) that served the needs of an individual while maintaining sustainable production methods.

    Our fashion team are all experienced practitioners in their respective fields and will guide you through a breadth of intellectual, research and practical processes.
    On successful completion of the BA (Hons) Fashion Design programme you will be able to design and develop concepts, processes and ideas for fashion within a sustainable and ethical framework for a range of audiences or consumers.

    Possible Course Requirements:

    Age: 18+ 
    Language Proficiency: National students GCSE Grade C or above
    International students English language to IELTS Level 6 

    • Interview with a portfolio of work
    • Relevant A-levels
    • National Diploma : General Art & Design or Crafts
    • A Diploma in Foundation Art & Design
    • Access to Art & Design courses
    • Advanced Diploma in Manufacturing & Product Design
    • City & Guilds practical course or equivalent

    Course Duration:

    3 Years Full-Time Study

    Course Structure.  

    Year 1.

    • Contextual Studies 1
    • Materials and Processes
    • Design Techniques and Concepts
    • Portfolio
    Year 2.

    • Contextual Studies 2 – Research Strategies
    • Exhibition and Promotion
    • Design and Market Awareness
    • Live Industry Project
    Year 3.

    • Contextual Report on Practice
    • Professional Practice
    • Final Collection

    Intakes: February 2019 , October 2019


    We provide career-focused programmes which thrive to help each and every one of our students gain hands-on experience in their chosen industry, as well as obtaining the relevant theoretical knowledge needed to embark upon a successful career.
    Combining practical classes and motivational lectures from industry professionals with traditional classroom learning, students at LCCA gain a valuable insight into the reality of the creative path they have chosen to follow.

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