Contemporary Issues in International Finance for Business

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Informationen über Contemporary Issues in International Finance for Business - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - London - England

  • Inhalt
    Contemporary Issues in International Finance for Business.
    Course Type: Executive Education
    Career Path: Business
    Course Category: Executive Education
    This programme examines contemporary issues in finance from practicing leadership and understanding the global financial environment.
    This short-course programme uses practical, hands-on teaching methods and aims to tackle contemporary practical issues rather than theory. Business-focused and hosted in the centre of the world’s financial services capital, this course aims to get ‘under the skin’ of college text book solutions to topics such as international Capital Asset Pricing Models, the Law of One Price and Comparative Advantage Theory. This programme is specifically designed for business leaders and managers who require an informed perspective on international accounting and financial matters. It is open to both financial and non-financial professionals.
    Course Requirements
    • Bachelor degree or professional equivalent, At least 3 years’ related. 
    • Language level: Proof of fluency in English.
    Course Duration: 4 days.
    Online: No
    Campus Based: Yes
    Location: London
    Certified by: GISMA Business School London.
    Here at Arden University we believe everyone, everywhere should be able to study. Whether you are constrained by location, cost, life commitments or just by time, we are passionate about giving you access to higher education that fits with your hectic, modern life.
    We offer access to degrees, masters and MBA programmes in both online distance learning and flexible on-campus study modes. Our students range from 18 to 80 years old and we support them on-campus (at our UK Study Centres) and online. We are proud to offer non-standard entry which means your work experience and previous qualifications are taken into account.

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