European Bachelor’s Degree In Fashion Design (EBScD)

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Informationen über European Bachelor’s Degree In Fashion Design (EBScD) - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Mailand - Italien

  • Inhalt
    European Bachelor’s Degree In Fashion Design (EBScD).

    • Length: 3 years 
    • Study pace: Full time 
    • Education level: Bachelor's degree 
    • Institute: Accademia del Lusso School of Fashion & Design    

    Start dates:

    • Milan Deadline 
    • October 2019  (English) 02 October 2019
    • October 2019  (Italian) 02 October 2019

    Degree and diploma.

    QUALIFICATION: The European Bachelor is accredited by EA.B.H.E.S. (European Accreditation Board of Higher Education Schools), and is recognised in affiliated and non-affiliated Universities and Higher Education Schools.

    Program description.

    • The European Bachelor’s Degree Course in Fashion Design follows the entire process of creating fashion collections, from the first sketches to the final creation.
    • It begins by providing an overview of the evolution of fashion and design and the relationship between fashion and history and culture. This provides a foundation upon which you will continue to build throughout your career, and which will inform your research and choices when developing your creations.
    • You will gain on- and offline trend research techniques, learning to anticipate future trends and to work in line with the concept and market demands. Practical workshops will teach you a range of essential skills such as fashion sketching and designing your own set of fashion prints.
    • You will learn how to successfully market your creations by using the correct sales and communication strategies.
    • By the end of the course you will have created a professional profile which you will be able to present to companies, and you will have learnt online presentation skills which will be important for your career.
    • Furthermore, all final year students have the chance to showcase their creations in our professional standard end-of-year student Fashion Show before an international audience including industry experts.

    Admission requirements.

    Upper secondary school qualification- Suitable knowledge of English or Italian: demonstrated by a formal certificate or Skype language interview.

    Program content.

    YEAR 1.

    The first year covers the core elements of the Fashion System, introducing students to a wide range of technical skills that will serve them over the following years and throughout their career.


    • History of Art 1
    • History of Fashion and Design 1
    • Patternmaking and Prototype Workshop 1
    • Computer Graphics for Fashion 1
    • Fashion Product Communication 1
    • Textiles and Colour
    • Fashion Design 1
    • Textile Design 1
    • Marketing Techniques
    • English Language 1


    • Consumption Psychology
    • History of Fabric

    YEAR 2.

    The second year of the course allows students to deepen their understanding of the Fashion Design industry and further expand their skills. Students learn the techniques that will allow them to start work on their personal collections that forms part of the third year and will be their professional passport for the future.


    • History of Art 2
    • History of Fashion and Design 2
    • Patternmaking and Prototype Workshop 2
    • Computer Graphics for Fashion 2
    • Fashion Product Communication 2
    • Eco Fashion and New Fashion Technologies
    • Fashion Design 2
    • Accessories Design 2
    • CAD Patternmaking Techniques 1
    • Textile Design 2
    • Elements of Copyright
    • Psychology and Sociology of Colour Applied to Design
    • English Language 2


    • 2D Modelling
    • Audiovisual Languages and Techniques 1

    YEAR 3.

    The third and final year of the Bachelor’s in Fashion Design offers advanced training in the main skills needed to work as successful fashion designers. During this year, students hone their skills by developing their own personal collections under the supervision of experts and preparing their final portfolio. Once this year is completed, students are fully prepared to enter the industry with a unique style and identity. All final year students are invited to display their creations at the end-of-year Fashion Show at a luxury location in Milan in front of industry experts, media, and influencers from Italy and across the world.


    • Computer Graphics 3
    • Patternmaking and Prototype Workshop 3
    • Fabric Manipulation Techniques
    • Fashion Design 3
    • CAD Patternmaking Techniques 2
    • Fashion Start-Up Management
    • Fashion Brand Management
    • English Language 3
    • Final Examination/Project


    • Consumption Psychology
    • Fashion & Luxury Marketing
    • Audiovisual Languages and Techniques 1
    • Audiovisual Languages and Techniques 2
    • History of Fabric
    • New Marketing Frontiers
    • Digital Footwear Design
    • English Language Techniques for Writing
    Applications for 2019 are open

    About us.

    Accademia del Lusso was founded in 2005, and is the School of Fashion & Design in Italy specialised in training key professional figures in the fashion, design and luxury sectors. Our main school site is on Via Montenapoleone, an inspiring location at the heart of Milan’s fashion district, and a mandatory stop for whoever wants to come into contact with the inner core of the fashion world.

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