German Turkish Masters Program in Social Sciences

Unverbindlich in kontakt treten Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Informationen über German Turkish Masters Program in Social Sciences - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Mitte - Berlin

  • Ziele
    The German Turkish Masters Program (GeT MA) is a unique, interdisciplinary and integrated Masters Program in Social Sciences. It is taught at the Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey and the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany.
  • Praktikum
    The students gain practical experience through an internship in either Turkey or Germany between their first and second year.
  • Anforderungen
    1. berufsqualifizierender Hochschulabschluss (BA, Diplom, Magister, Staatsexamen) in Sozialwissenschaften, Rechtswissenschaften, Geschichte, Wirtschaftswissenschaften (oder verwandte Fächer), Englischkenntnisse: Nachweis äquivalent zu TOEFL mind. 227 Punkte (Computer-based), 647 (paper-based), 113 (internet-based)
  • Titel
    Master of Arts (M.A.)
  • Inhalt
    All students attend their first year of studies in Ankara and their second year in Berlin.
    Courses in Political Science, Sociology and International Relations offer a specialized perspective on politics and society in Turkey and Germany, German-Turkish relations as well as the European dimension of domestic and foreign politics in both countries.
    The GeT MA program prepares students for international careers in government agencies, NGOs, administration, journalism and research.

    The GeT MA curriculum focuses on three distinct research areas:

        * Politics and Society in Turkey;
          Turkey as a regional and international player;
        * Politics and Society in Germany;
          Germany as a regional and international player;
        * European Integration, European Institutions,
          Europeanization, European politics of Turkey and Germany.

    Teaching and research within the GeT MA progam have a clear interdisciplinary focus. All modules and courses cover – in addition to the main focus on political science – sociological, cultural and economical questions.

    This interdisciplinary approach becomes manifest through the participation of professors from different academic disciplines: Political Science, Sociology and International Relations. Additionally, several interdisciplinary workshops and colloquia are planned.

    Individual specialization is possible from the start:
    Students choose from a variety of electives offered by the already established MA programs at both universities:

        * "Comparative Government",
        * "Global Politics and European Integration" and
        * "Social Transformation" at METU.
        * "European and Trans-Atlantic Studies"
        * "Master International Relations" and
        * "Master in Social Sciences" at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

    Program Content
    Courses and Modules include the following:
    First semester at METU

        * Joint Teaching Seminar I: Germany and Turkey
        * Modern Turkey: Social Transformation, Political-Economic Development and Governance Structures
        * Elective choices in the fields of: Comparative Politics, Globalization and Regional Dimensions or Social Transformation
        * Language Course: German, Turkish, or a third language

    Second semester at METU

        * Joint Teaching Seminar II: Turkey and the Regional Environment
        * Turkey, Middle East and Eurasia
        * Elective choices in the fields of: Comparative Politics, Globalization and Regional Dimensions or Social Transformation
        * Language Course: German, Turkish, or a third language

    Third semester at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

        * Joint Teaching Seminar III: Germany in Transition
        * German Democracy in comparative perspective
        * Germany and the EU, its frontiers and neighbors

    Fourth semester at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

        * Students research and write their MA Thesis of 15-20,000 words
        * Joint-Advising from faculty members at METU and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

    In Addition:

    Language courses are offered during the first two semesters at METU. Students who do not yet possess German language skills take German courses to prepare for their studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
    Students who already possess adequate proficiency in English and German may choose courses in a third language.

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