Hochschulzertifikatskurs "Intercultural Management and Communication" - Fernkurs

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Informationen über Hochschulzertifikatskurs "Intercultural Management and Communication" - Online

  • Anforderungen
    Target groups Executives - at the mid- and upper-level management in the (healthcare) business sector - in national and international administrations
  • Titel
    Hochschulzertifikatskurs "Intercultural Management and Communication"
  • Inhalt
    Dieser Hochschulzertifikatskurs wird in englischer Sprache angeboten.

    Open borders within the European Union, internationalization of businesses – communication across cultural boundaries is decisive for success. Become acquainted with different forms of effective intercultural management and communication. You will get 8 credits, which you can take in account for a laterstudy!


    - Cultural identity and intercultural contact
    - Relevant fields of intercultural management
    - Applying intercultural communication in a targeted fashion
    - Classification of cultural patterns and differences
    - Influences in intercultural negotiations

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