Informationen über M.A. International Management - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf - Berlin
The Master's degree in International Management offers a comprehensive programme that prepares you for an international career. The two-year study programme in Berlin includes courses from innovation management to incorporate technological foresight, commercialization and the protection of intellectual property in decision-making processes. Estimating and evaluating corporate risk, risk management in value creation and finance, and continental-European / Anglo-American law and business law are integral parts of our International Management degree.
The Tripartite variations of our Master's programme in International Management combines the teaching and research styles of Berlin with that of our international partners in many different countries. This variety of the International Management programme in the respective study destinations provides the student the unique opportunity to experience three different academic and business environments. Students can study in diverse cities such as Paris, Prague, Granada, Istanbul, among many others. In addition, students have the possibility to earn not one, but two degrees. Choose your specialisation and focus on topics which create maximum value for your future career!Ähnliche angebote die in bezug zu ihrer anfrage "betriebswirtschaft" stehen
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