MBA in European Management

Unverbindlich in kontakt treten Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht (HWR) Berlin / IMB Institute of Management Berlin

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Informationen über MBA in European Management - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Tempelhof-Schöneberg - Berlin

  • Inhalt
    The Berlin MBA in European Management prepares for leadership or consulting roles in European organisations. All courses are taught in English at the IMB in Berlin and selectively at international partner institutions. Students of this specialization have a variety of backgrounds: In the recent past one third of them had completed a bachelor´s degree in business adminstration and economics and two thirds in other areas, like natural sciences, engineering, IT or social sciences. Three quarters of the students are usually international, and the average length of work experience is above five years.

    The study programme has a length of 15 months and is divided into three semesters: In the first semester (September-January) core courses are being taught, the second semester (February-June) contains advanced, specialization and elective courses. During both of the first two semesters seminars for the development of leadership skills are held as well as study visits and practical guest lectures. The third semester is reserved for the thesis which is performed as a company project. All modules together are worth a total of 90 credits points.

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