Programa de Español para Extranjeros - Mischung aus Fernstudium und Studium vor Ort

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Informationen über Programa de Español para Extranjeros - Mischung aus Fernstudium und Studium vor Ort - Kolumbien - Ausland

  • Inhalt
    Programa de Español para Extranjeros.

    - One of the oldest one in the country, stablished in 1997.
    Highly experienced teachers.

    - Original textbook based on MCER levels: A1-A2-B1-B2​.

    - Offers a wide range of free extracurricular activities per week.

    - Publishes a Biannual online magazine to showcase our students written and visual work "CuéntELE".

    - Provides students with great free learning opportunities (tutoring sessions, auditing undergraduate classes, local conversation partners, and daily on-campus cultural activities).

    - Located in a modern building on a vibrant campus with an excellent offering of spaces for varied activities: pool, library, bookstore, gym, sports fields, more than 15 restaurants and coffee shops.

    - Great location: within walking distance of mayor shopping malls, supermarkets, parks, local housing, hotels and hostels.

    - EAFIT is a fully accredited university and the Spanish program is certified by Instituto Cervantes.

    - Offers DELE test for accrediting purposes. ​

    - Provides student support in key areas, such as student visas and homestay contacts.

    The learning experience is ensured through:​

    Classes that are taught based on effective and proper communication in small groups with highly qualified teachers
    A conversation partner in order to access a more colloquial level of Spanish
    The possibility to attend classes in the University's undergraduate programs. This opportunity gives students access to the language at an academic level; classes are subject to University scheduling
    Cultural activities offered daily throughout the campus for greater language immersion ​.

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