Certified ScrumMaster - Ausbildung zum ScrumMaster
Learn the essentials of working as a ScrumMaster or Scrum team member in this two-day course. While the Scrum Alliance provides a list of core concepts that must be covered in the class, each instructor creates his or her own material, allowing courses to differ based on the strengths, interests, and experiences of the instructor.
Agiles Projektmanagement unterscheidet sich fundamental von konventionellen Managementansätzen: Anstelle zu planen, Aufgaben zuzuweisen und deren Erfüllungsgrad zu kontrollieren, moderiert, hilft und führt der ScrumMaster.
Dieser zweitägige Kurs bildet die Teilnehmer zum ScrumMaster aus und ermöglicht so, Scrum korrekt und effektiv einzusetzen. Der interaktive gestaltete Kurs verwendet Simulationen, Übungen und Gruppenarbeit zur Vertiefung der Lerninhalte.
* Agile Values and Scrum Origins
* Scrum and Change
* Empirical Process Control
* Companies Using Scrum
Scrum Process and Roles
* Scrum Flow, Iterative-incremental Software Development and Shippable Product Increments
* The Role of the Product Owner
* The Role of the Team including Team Dynamics, Team Norms and the Visual Workplace
* The ScrumMaster Role including Team Dynamics, Team Norms and the Visual Workplace
* The Role of Project Managers and Functional Managers in Scrum
Requirements Management
* Software Overproduction
* Product Backlog
* Prioritisation Techniques
Release Management
* Sustainable Pace
* Estimating and Planning
* Tracking
Working with Sprints
* Sprint Workflow and Characteristics
* Sprint Planning Preparation
* Sprint Estimating and Planning
* Daily Scrum
* Sprint Review and Retrospective
* Sprint Reporting
Large and Distributed Scrum Projects
* Brook`s Law
* Organic Growth and Conways`s Law
* Master Product Backlog and the Product Owner Team
* Team Set-up
* Multi-team Planning and Coordination
* Shared Norms and Assets
* Distributed Scrum Project Tips
* Sample Distributed Project Org
Getting Started in Scrum
* Just Do It
* The Nature and Anatomy of Change
* Scrum Adoption Stages
* Change Practices including the Enterprise Transition Team and the Transition Product Backlog
* Deming`s PDCA Cycle
* The Role of Consultants